I've invested in over 75 early stage companies, most of which are below. These are largely made up of deep product technology businesses, reflecting my skills and background.
alive and (mostly) growing (I am a board director/OBSERVER of the five in BOLD):
Human cell culture systems and custom services for disease modeling and drug discovery markets
Transforming mathematics learning for 11-16 year olds
Built by teachers and powered by Artificial Intelligence, Blutick puts tutors and teachers in control of their students’ learning.
Cambridge GaN Devices (CGD) bring to customers Gallium Nitride (GaN) transistors with significantly higher switching frequency, lower losses and lower on-resistance than the most commercially successful silicon alternatives.
Carbon13 works with founders to build startups that can reduce CO₂e emissions by millions of tonnes. Each of the 50 founders on the eight-month programme is focused on tackling the biggest challenges of Net Zero and achieving a meaningful impact on emissions. Our next cohort begins its journey on 21 September 2021. Explore the programme.
The company uses the concept of convergence to create new closed-loop models of care, integrating real-time feedback to optimise outcomes for patients.
Developing state-of-the-art robots to tackle costly and high risk operations in the agricultural industry, initially in strawberry picking.
Eagle accelerates the opportunities offered by genomics and new data generation technologies
Superfast Charging Battery Materials
Echion Technologies supplies high-power Li-ion battery anode materials that enable superfast charging for a range of applications, from consumer electronics to electric vehicles
Re-writing the rules on flow sensors
Flusso is a fabless semiconductor company, spun-out from University of Cambridge, developing flow sensing solutions for use in low-cost, high-volume applications.
Production of ‘two-dimensional’ materials, primarily graphene, and the development of devices based on these materials.
The world’s most accurate passive RFID technology.
Passive RFID fixed reader systems from PervasID solve the majority of all tag readability challenges, changing the landscape of asset tracking and inventory management.
Unleash the potential of MicroLED display
Porotech's game-changing Porous GaN platform technology enables small & efficient Red, Green, Blue MicroLED chips with a single GaN material system.
Rovco is delivering innovation and changing the way we survey subsea. Using 3D and working on artificial intelligence solutions that significantly reduces the risk for subsea asset owners.
ScaleXP is a cloud reporting and dashboard solution for early stage and high growth companies that automates KPIs and metrics.
Manufacturing high sensitivity MEMS mass sensors to transform industrial and consumer products
Smart insect monitoring for the accommodation, forestry and agriculture industry
Our smart, discreet network of intelligent Pods continuously monitor for pests. This enables you to solve the problem, before it spreads.
Spotta™ is revolutionising the monitoring of the world’s most challenging forestry insects.
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