current roles
Comparing the Japanese and British economies from 1970 to date at a University in Tokyo.
Previous Chair of Board and for 7 years, membership secretary, The Cambridge Angels
A group of high-net worth investors who have proven experience as successful entrepreneurs in technology and bio-technology.
Members invest in and mentor high quality start-up and early-stage companies in these sectors. Members have been responsible for a large number of the "Cambridge Phenomenon" success stories over recent years.
Therefore, in addition to providing funding for early-stage companies, the Cambridge Angels also offer start-ups the considerable benefit of a wide range of expertise, contacts and directly relevant experience in establishing and growing entrepreneurial businesses successfully.
Freeman, City of London
One of the oldest surviving traditional ceremonies still in existence today, is believed to have been first presented in 1237.
Fellow in Entrepreneurship, Cambridge Judge Business School
The business school of the University of Cambridge.
Consistently ranked as one of the world's top business schools, the Cambridge MBA programme is ranked among the top in the world by Bloomberg, the Financial Times, Business Insider, US News & World Report, and Forbes Magazine.
Past roles
Welcoming Sir Mervyn King to the new Cambridge CAB
My introduction to charity management and governance was in 2000, initially providing voluntary IT help and then by taking on trustee positions at Stamford YMCA (subsequently vice-chair) and the Stamford Citizens Advice Bureau, which, driven by the district council, merged to form the South Kesteven CAB (SKCAB) of which I was vice-chair, chair and treasurer over a period of 6 years.
During my chairmanship of SKCAB, I presided over a time of change and challenge including a severe district council funding cut (from £67,000 to £nil) led to a local press/media campaign with over 700 column inches of newspaper coverage and several radio interviews plus parliamentary help, resulting in the funding being restored.
From 2004 to 2008, I was a trustee of Cambridge and District CAB and on several sub-committees: operations, IT and property. Also involved with volunteer recruitment interviews and appraisals. I resigned in order to undertake a paid project management role to select, purchase and refurbish a property for the Cambridge Advicehub.
In 2005, I was elected to East Region Citizens Advice committee and in 2006, to chair. This committee covers the six counties of the GO East government region. Became co-chair for the Central Area, after government funding cuts to the central office of Citizens Advice led to the East and Midlands regions being merged. Governance review in 2009 made this role obsolete.
Treasure (and director) of Bedford and District Citizens Advice Bureau. The central Citizens Advice organisation took over and rescued this bureau in mid 2008. Left once the bureau was handed back to local Bedfordshire trustee control.
Chair of Supporters, IdeaSpace Enterprise Accelerator
Cambridge-based enterprise incubator, supporting and undertaking a range of activities to accelerate the growth of early stage ventures and influence innovation policy in the UK. Also member of the Steering Committee.
Member of Advisory Panel, Spark Inside
A charitable social enterprise which evokes transformation and empowers young people ages 15-17 leaving youth custodial facilities in Greater London).
2010 to 2015 Chair (and director) of the trustee board of Cambridge Centre for Sixth Form Studies, a Cambridge based sixth form college with around 170 pupils, many from abroad and many boarding.
Director of the Cam Contract Bridge Centre setting up a duplicate bridge playing and teaching centre for the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire community. See
Provided help in negotiating a lease for a dance school in Royston - see The Dance College.
Volunteer for British Red Cross, undertaking a strategic event costing project for the UK head Office.
Trustee (previously chair from 2006 until 2011) of Focus12, a Bury St Edmunds based drug and alcohol rehabilitation residential and day centre, taking clients from East Anglia and throughout the UK. Particular emphasis on reducing the charity's dependence on ever-decreasing government-driven funding and replacing with income from clients (or their sponsors) and celebrities.
Funding development committee of the Future Business Centre, a social enterprise/cleantech incubator in Cambridge.
Policy Portfolio Chair, Equity Finance, Federation of Small Businesses
The FSB offers its members a wide range of vital business services including advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice in government.
My role is to provide information and suggestions to central government to help improve the adoption of equity finance.
Council Member, Cambridge Computer Lab Ring
An association providing career support for graduates of the Cambridge University Computing department, via networking, advice, mentoring, events and newsletters. Chair of the careers and mentoring committee.